I had to take a brain break from Little Man's room to think about something else so I worked on remaking a shirt. I used the pink shirt as inspiration. I will admit I altered the shirt but I think I want to add something too it so I'm not going to show you what it looks like just yet.
I also want to show you a peak of something that I plan on working on for My own room:
I had an epiphany today. My little guys room is not going to look perfect by the time he goes in there. There are WAY too many things to make, put together, etc. for it to be perfect. Besides he is moving into a big boy bed so it really isn't safe to have things "visually perfect". That being said I want you to know that I plan on working on it until I do get it to a point that I like it. But bear with me as I do it because it is going to take a LOT of time!
So that you know I'm not giving up but that it will just take time I will show you a couple of the things I'm currently working on:
Don't you love the simple lines and HUGE handles of this sweet stand? I picked this one up at the local Good Will. She's a heavy beast, pure wood, but since I
These two shirts are best friends. Hahaha or I was just making sure they had enough fabric to cover the pillow forms I got. Make sure to come back and check out what I end up doing to the stand and shirts!
After discussing plane options for Little mans Ceiling with the Mr. he basically begged me not to use pop can planes as he does not agree that it will look "fun" (maybe he said the word "crap" in the conversation to describe what he thought they would look like, I'll let you decide.) I still think they could be super cute if I can pull off the ones I remember my Great Uncle making, but I'm open to other options. So when I went with Little Man to the Children's Museum and saw this in the front entrance I was like "AH HA!"
So fun right? WAY too big for Little Man's room but Great idea and SO simple!
I'm thinking I make 3 of them but do them in three different colors....
It is so fun to try to find simple solutions and inspiration in my everyday life. What inspires you?
Oh my goodness McKell! This is the funnest blog! I love your style and I can't wait to see your "big boy's" room! I have the same problem with starting too many projects and never finishing. I can't wait to get ideas from you! :)