It even has this pretty cool looking eagle painted on it:
"So what is the problem then?" you are asking....The Rush seats on both of them are worn, Very dirty, and smell horrible.
I know the chairs look great with rush seats but I have this rule about things coming into my house. If I can't get them cleaned of dirt and smelling better they can't stay no matter how cute their curves and tiny feet are. I looked rush seats up online. Lets just say PAIN IN THE BUTT! I would have to spend a wad to either do it myself or a small fortune to have it redone professionally. SIGH......Then a rash thought came to my mind. I grabbed a box cutter and started thrashing...
And when that provided some but minimal damage I grabbed the trusted Gerber!
And before I knew it I was at this:
So now what to do. I can't really justify the cost to re-rush the seats. I also do not really like the color but painting it would mean I would lose the eagle and other gold lining that is painted on it. As for the seat I think I will cut a board the shape of that area and cover it in fabric for the time being. Now I just need to decide if I should paint them. I say yes what do you say?
I'm so impressed! I can't wait to see the finished project!!! :)