Sorry for the delay in posting. (For the two of you who read this! LOL) I have a few projects that I still have yet to post but life has gotten in the way of many new ones.
Today I just wanted to post about a "comfort food". With the craziness that has been going on it does not change the fact that one must eat and one day when I looked in the fridge and only saw eggs and bread I remembered one of my child hood memories. Egg bread.
Basically you butter a piece of bread, cut a hole in the middle (I used a child cup to do this but you could use a biscuit cutter) Put on a warm skillet crack an egg in the middle and cook to desired doneness (I know it isn't a word.)I like mine runny so I can dip the crust in it. And I like jam on the buttery rounds.Some like ketchup some like syrup. You can decide.
What is one of the foods that you made as a child?