Then I saw two heavy press board shelves that a neighbor had given us for garage shelving but that we ended up not needing. We had no use for them so TA DA my new table top. Sounds easy enough but the shelves had divots on each side so I have to saw each side and then try to match the two piece as close as possible so I wouldn't have a huge seam in the middle of my table. It was another gut wrenching experience. I always thought sawing a straight line would be so easy but I guess I need more work at it because it took me a long time to get the two pieces close to flush (that is right not even perfect.)
I did still make one big mistake. I was getting frustrated when attaching the top to the base. The screws were just not working and I could not figure out why (really lack of skill and knowledge was mainly to blame). So at one point I took a big nail and hammered it into the table. The only problem is I didn't countersink before doing this and after realizing my mistake I was not able to get it out so my table does have one little round nail head on the top hahaha. I also didn't know how to countersink nails so I left the nail heads exposed primed and painted it but then was talking to a friend who told me how to countersink so I did that and then had to repaint it. But then I put the wrong protective coating on it which turned it yellow so I had to sand it all down and paint it again.
Lets say it is far from perfect but for my first time building a piece of furniture I think I did pretty well with what I had!